Monday, January 28, 2013

My New Project!

I checked out the movie Julie & Julia from the library last week, and have watched it 3x. I have been inspired to work through some of my recipes. I've been thinking about it for a while anyway, but the movie has convinced me. Well, that, and the fact that I do believe I am a recipe hoarder, and maybe even a cookbook hoarder in training.

In an effort to do something with my collection, I have resolved to work through my recipe box and Pinterest Foods board. And, in an attempt to pay homage to what has now become another one of my favorite movies, I'm going to blog about my experience.

I have 174 recipes (that I have never made) in my recipe box, not including the "Cookies & Bars" section. There are 52 cookie/bar recipes - one for each week. I also have 152 Pinterest foods I'd like to try.

So, I'm gonna. And as I work through the recipes, I will be deleting/discarding those we don't like or that I know I won't ever make again. This way, I can reduce my hoard of recipes or add to my repertoire of recipes that I make more often rather than falling back on the same old-same old. Hopefully, it'll turn out to be a little of both.

The reason for the blog, because I have to have a reason - that's just how I am - is: there are plenty of Pinterest recipes that I have that I would likely never try but like the looks of, and I am sure I'm not the only one. So, maybe, this will inspire some one to bust out of their "same old-same old" rut and try out some of the recipes in their stash. Of course, it's entirely possible that I'm just doing this because I like to talk and that, in all actuality, nobody really reads this or cares, but I need something to do to occupy my time. In any case, I don't really care, because I'm gonna do it anyway.

After all, it's good to have goals. Right?!

Who knows? After this project is good and underway, maybe ill start working on some of my other Pinterest board projects and subject you all to my ramblings about them as well. ;)

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